Tuesday 12 April 2011


2 nights in Penang, 77th Rotary International District 3300 Assembly can make a hard man and woman humble the nights away with fellowship. The toughest guys tumble while I sway the nights in my 3 inches stilettos. However, I was very careful in choosing my company.                 

Penang, Pearl of the Orient, and the city don't know what the city is getting, The creme de la creme of The Rotary World with the show and everything but Simon Yam. Time flies, doesn't seem a minute since the installation night had me in it. All change, don't you know that when you play at this level, there's no ordinary venue.

2 nights in Penang and the world's your oyster, the bars are temples but the pearls ain't free....I can feel an angel sliding up to me.

Looking forward towards next year Assembly.

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