Thursday 18 August 2011

Children Are From Heaven.

I picked up a book by Dr John Gray...Children Are From Heaven, from a little bookshop while waiting for Ms. Emmilia.

And I remembered....a story, told to me by my dadima....

Children are really from heaven, that is where I came from, and that is where my children came from.

In the beginning, all children live in heaven, they play and eat and play again, all day along. There were no worries, no chores, no school, no homeworks and no parents to boss them around.

But, they grew, you see, so it's time for them to relocate to earth. GOD invited the children into His chambers and ask them to look out of the window, down to earth.

GOD told the children it is time for them to choose their parents. The children did and they travel for about nine months (earth time), to get to their chosen destination. Their purpose is to make their (miserable adult) parents happy again. Yup, most parents are happy to receive such a gift... and of course, some were less grateful.

It sadden me to read about children being abuse, even murdered by their parents, grandparents, relatives and caregivers alike.

We did not know, did we? or did we forget, that the children chose us as their parents. They must have seen something great in us.

InsyaALLAH, I vow to remember that Shawn, Emma, Emmilia and Elle are from heaven and they chose me to lead them back home again.

*Originally written on July 6th, 2009

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